Strategic Alignment
The pandemic has affected all businesses and changed the environment and context in which businesses operate. As a result, all pre-existing strategies have been rendered redundant to a smaller or larger degree. It is important to realign business strategy to respond to the changed context and the new challenges in a way that benefits your organization. At the same time, it is important to retain critical strategic initiatives already under progress and to minimally tweak them to retain their efficacy and relevance. Our strategic alignment framework provides you with a reasoned approach to making changes in the strategy to enable the realization of corporate objectives without causing wastage of initiatives already underway. Our strategic alignment consulting also covers scenario-based assessment. This is undertaken to check the robustness of assumptions underlying the strategy and suitable modifications are recommended. Given that the vaccine or cure for the pandemic is yet to be discovered in the foreseeable future, the business must factor in a scenario of life with the pandemic. At the same time, the business must be ready with the scenario of life after the pandemic when a medicine is in place, the virus has been tamed and many of the encumbrances on business behavior that have so far been accepted, are now being considered irrelevant.