Strategic Alignment

Workforce Restructuring (Workforce Resizing)

Growing competition and globalization are the key drivers of organizations striving for better efficiency and cost-effectiveness. One way to achieve these objectives is through workforce restructuring. But as the pandemic has progressed, it has become clear that organizations must find new ways to deal with their human capital. In the context of the pandemic and other business pressures, workforce restructuring has become an absolute necessity for the survival and growth of many organizations. To survive or cut the losses, they will have to find a way to get their work done with fewer resources and human capital.

It also becomes important to tread carefully while carrying out this exercise as making mistakes may mean that an organization doesn’t realize the intended benefits from the workforce restructuring exercise. If workforce restructuring is not executed in a socially responsible manner, it can have a negative impact on the morale of the remaining employees and the overall bottom line of an organization.

Apart from the impact on an organization, workforce restructure can have far-reaching implications on sectors, regions, and even the governments with a variety of legal and social issues. Therefore, it is imperative to effectively manage the downsizing process and have a well-thought-out plan and process. Being transparent and mindful about the thinking behind the decisions and the potential impact on the workforce is just as important.

To meet your business objectives during this pandemic and deal the challenges mentioned above, you must have a well-thought-out transition management plan. This is exactly what we will help you with! To accommodate these changes, our restructuring experts will help you prepare and plan while following the best practices to ensure that you can reach your ultimate objectives easily. Our goal is to help you remain cognizant and ensure a smooth workforce restructure.

Our Experts


Hemant Bhattbhatt
Managing Partner & CEO

Leader - Strategy & Performance Improvement
Shreyamun Mehta

Shreyamun Mehta
Senior Advisor

HR & Organization Expert

Arindam Ghosh
Senior Advisor

Leader - Power Sector Expert in Power Reforms

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